CoolSculpting Demo – Removing Stomach Fat (Lower Abdomen)

Hi everyone welcome back this is Emily. Lori  will be joining us soon today we're doing a   treatment on the lower abdomen um we have our  templates set here this is what a room will   look like when you come in we have everything  set ready to go this is the CoolAdvantage Plus   applicator that we have here this is a 45-minute  applicator and this is what we'll be using   to treat the lower abdomen so follow me we're  going to go back to the very very back this is   actually our treatment suite so we do once  again have three treatment speeds here two   more machines consult room consult room one more  room so we're gonna come all the way back in here   and this is our picture room this is what  we call the photo finder so pictures are   really really important this is our best way  to track your progress so when you come in   prior to treatment we do take your weight  as well as your photos and after follow   up we're going to take your weight in  photos again so Lori is going to join me and she's going to show you typical positioning  especially like I said today we're doing lower   abdomen so I like to call this "I Dream of Genie, "  you just want to make sure your arms are up   thumbs are locked and then we'll have you inhale  and exhale when we take that first picture and   then we'll have after we take that picture you'll  go right to two and two as you can see there   three and three four and four one and one two two  three three and four four so we do a complete turn   once again these are ways to track your progress  and i'll bring y'all to our picture wall these   are any pictures that you see in here are  always going to be DaVinci clients these are   not treated anywhere else so these are all  pictures that we actually took in this room   and as you can see we have a few different  areas but this is a lower abdomen in flanks   but since that's what we're treating today  this is a good good image for you to see so   check back with us we're going to show you a  video of lower abdomen treatment soon thanks! Hi everyone welcome back, it's Emily and Lori  again we are now ready to treat the lower abdomen   once again we're treating with the CoolAdvantage  Plus applicator, 45-minute applicator does cover   hip bone to hip bone we can actually use this on  the lower abdomen or the upper abdomen it just   depends on the person but today we're treating  lower abdomen I'm going to come around to Lori.    Every client that comes in gets a neck  wrap a heated neck wrap i should say   for the treatment this just provides you an extra  level of comfort so I'm going to step back here   as you can see we do have the area marked we found  where you see these crosses is where the peaks of   the fat are so this is where the volume is so we  want to have what we call the gel traps and you'll   see the post treatment markings directly over  that once again Lori if you've seen some of our   other videos Lori is cleaning this area with  the pre-treatment wipe just make sure we get   any lotion residue off creates a clean surface  for the treatment so we're all ready to go   and then Lori is bringing around the gel pad so  once again this gel pad is actually made from   cellulose so it can be a little cold a little  sticky sometimes we just want to make sure   that it covers the area that's marked and once  again we will straighten out that gel pad too   so that we don't have any air bubbles underneath  and actually Lori I think that's one of the   best gel pad applications I've ever seen no air  bubbles really now but if you do get air bubbles   it is completely normal but it can create kind  of a pulsating butterfly kiss feeling uh under   the applicator so we do try to smooth  those out so let me come around here We're going to show you all the good angles  of when we actually section the applicator on   so here we go she's got the applicator all set   very good once again cool advantage plus it's  a larger applicator we have two gel traps here   that's where we want where these two gel traps  are that's where we wanted to go directly over   those x's that we marked on her so i'm gonna  come over here you're going to see this section   very good i'll hold that for you teamwork here  there we go we're going to just tighten that   cord just a little bit straighten it out there  we go i'm going to bring this down so as you can   see we have suctioned all of the mart area into  that applicator so we've got everything right   there cord is nice and straight nice and tight  just giving a little extra security underneath   there we go that way we keep  that applicator nice and stable   and then once again we will get you all set and  comfortable we've got a little pager right here   this is a little button that you can push that  will page us and call us if you need us so you   always have access to the clinician during the  treatment so we turn that off machine has started   for the 45 minutes now if there's any errors or  if the machine loses any suction for whatever   reason it will notify us so these machines  have everything built in now for the last step   a little champagne there's always  complimentary champagne whenever you're here   snacks whatever you need come back and check in  with y'all once the treatment's done all right? Hi everyone we're back we just finished the  45-minute treatment on the lower abdomen.

   Lori is going to show you what it looks like  we take off the applicator we are giving our   client gloves because she is going to assist  us um with some of this post-treatment massage   so we still got that applicator this client  was very good she did not move so everything is   looking great you slowly take that applicator off   there we go and lift up oh wow as you can see  redness we even sometimes get occasionally outside   where it's marked which is great because  that means we just got a little bit more   um redness will subside about 20-30 minutes  after we do the massage but some clients can   experience redness off and on throughout the day  when i personally treated i had redness for about   an hour now this is a great treatment as you can  see that gel chat marking i showed you earlier is   directly over the x that's what we look for um and  like i said we can see that redness right outside   so we were able to get just a little bit more than  what we had marked at but i'm going to step back   or is there anything else you want to add i'm  good actually so i think what's wonderful about   this treatment it has a lot to do with uh bed  positioning body positioning during the treatment   we have the client lean a little bit more  forward and what that does it allows us to   get that i'm in the bed i'm eating a pizza kind  of a feel so the tissue's a little bit soft looser   it's easier to treat and with that we were able  to get a little bit above the applicator so the   client got a little extra treatment and we're  going to take a picture post-treatment marking   we do keep this in your chart so if you ever need  to look at what was true that you can always do   so so we're going to slowly start massaging it's  going to feel a little weird a little tender numb   just kind of a different kind of sensation but  we will do this massage for about two minutes   post-treatment clinician will start sometimes we  will also give you gloves because we do like to   show you what it feels like as you're massaging  and you really do need to get deep in that   tissue in that area you don't want to just do a  soft touch you really want to massage that area   because you will massage it home for the next  couple of weeks for a few minutes a day so we   do like for you to get a feeling of what it's  going to feel like especially because you can be   a little numb for the next couple of weeks  as well. So it is a different sensation some   clients do ask you know do i need to use lotion  do i need to not use lotion it really doesn't   matter it's whatever you prefer but if your skin  is sensitive i personally don't like to use lotion   because i feel like it can cause a little extra  sensitivity so it really just depends on the   person though so whatever you prefer so Lori is  going to finish this massage feel free to give   us a call 713-609-1900 if you have any questions  about this particular treatment thanks so much!